49 Trainers in 31 different cities
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Remus Bălan
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He’s the one who will guide you on the performance management and strategic leadership path:
- He has over 4000 hours of active training and over 25 years of experience in sales operational performance and sales team management.
- He developed projects and provided training courses in Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Greece, Turkey, the Czech Republic and Germany.
- He developed the S.P.E.E.D. system (Solid Performance, Excellence and Employee Development), applicable to companies regardless of size, line of business and country.
- He’s a John Maxwell Team and Andy Szekely certified trainer, coach and speaker, and a certified CNFPA (National Center for Training and Improvement of Trainers) trainer and project manager.
- He developed the programs: I sell, therefore I exist (Sales, Persuasion and Sales Team Management), R.E.A.L (Relationships, Balance, Attitude, Leadership) Success, Time is life (Time Management) and Teen Leader (Non-formal education and guidance program for young people).
Raluca Bugariu
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She’s the one to teach you to sell through persuasion and storytelling:
- She has lead sales processes with over 50,000 people.
- She has over 300 hours of training, facilitation and coaching sessions.
- She founded the 6C Team, a community of several hundred people interested in professional and personal development.
- She has facilitated and moderated dozens of professional and personal development events.
Lucilia Vasilescu
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She’s the one to teach you what the psychological elements underlying a sale are:
- She has over 50 public presentations.
- And a Toastmasters Iași member since October 2015 – (diploma Competent Communicator and Competent Leader), currently Vice President of Public Relations.
- She constantly participates in professional improvement seminars, programs and workshops (Business Mastery, Mihaela Tatu’s “Diction and the Art of Communication” course), Back to Yourself (emotional intelligence), as well as in Paul Ardeleanu’s workshop.
- She founded the website www.scutecele.ro, which has over 1400 subscribers and 6500 followers on social media networks. She graduated from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (within the Univ. A. I. Cuza Iasi) – Special Psycho-pedagogy section.
Alina Casandra Duciac
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She’s the one to teach you how to sell from the perspective of the person who has been doing this for 6 years:
- Coaching Specialist and Master Coach – Pleiade Coaching School.
- Certified Trainer Code COR 242402.
- She has over 100 hours of active coaching.
- She is currently training in Transactional Analysis.
- Time management trainer.
Cristina Onofrei
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She’s the one who will help you to effectively manage conflicts in professional or personal relationships:
- She develops leaders and teams from organisations via ARLⓇ team coaching as the regional representative of Leadership In Motion Romania (LIM Romania www.limromania.net).
- She is involved in two family businesses.
- She is an experienced trainer in communication and leadership, understanding of the human behaviour, public speaking, conflict management and stress management.
- She’s passionate about working with people, and her motivation is to help improve the quality of life of 10,000 people through transformational coaching (www.comunicatlfel.ro)
- LIM Romania – Leadership in Motion Leadership in Motion: coaches, trainers and expert consultants. We develop people, teams, organisations for organisations at a high level of performance limromania.net
David Tomeniuc
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He’s the one to teach you how to change your lifestyle, starting with what you like:
- He founded the Psychology of Success website, posessing over 400 subscribers, with a reach of over 4000 people.
- He started his activity through a coaching & mentoring career.
- He owns Toma Strawberries (personal business).
Ovidiu Tîrziu
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He’s the one to teach you how to better understand the needs of your customers:
- Co-founder of Top Class Detailing.
- He was a deputy manager at Pizza Hut Iulius Mall Timisoara,
- Student at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, management section.
- He is a member of the BIZZ.club and Toastmasters Entrepreneurs Timisoara.
- He graduated from various courses and workshops on entrepreneurial development, held by Andy Szekely, Cristian Onețiu, Ciprian Susanu.
Ramon Năstase
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He’s the one to teach you how to deliver training courses online and in corporations:
- He has his own YouTube channel with 10 000 subscribers.
- He has his own personal brand > RamonNastase.ro .
- He is the co-founder of SafeBit – Startup.
- He has delivered over 100 training courses in corporations.
- He has over 200 hours of training.
Bogdan Orbulov
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He’s the one to teach you how to effectively develop your teams:
- He has held over 100 training courses.
Anca Benza
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She’s the one to teach you how to sell based on the customer’s needs and to manage your emotions during the sales process:
- She has 8 years of experience in sales team management.
- She’s a facilitator in Andy Szekely’s Elite School programs.
- LAB Profile Certified Practitioner.
Ruxandra Popa
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She’s the one to teach you how to improve your relationships and your efficiency:
- She has delivered hundreds of hours of training courses and dozens of hours of coaching sessions to improve workplace skills and performance.
- She designed over 20 training courses on different topics (e.g.: leadership, emotional intelligence, persuasion, personal development).
- She planned and assisted in the management of organizational changes.
- She has developed a training initiative for organizational alignment.
Viktor Biró
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He’s the one to teach you how to manage your resources regardless of your line of business:
- He became an IT entrepreneur at 18.
- At present, he is the owner and C.E.O. of the bizz.club Arad.
- He’s a business consultant in several entrepreneurial companies.
Stela Bibarț
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She’s the one to teach you how to assess and develop your business plan:
- She has 17 years of experience in the organisational development and human resources fields.
- She develops training programs on different topics:
- Performance assessment and behavioural evaluation,
- employee motivation, but also on personnel recruitment and selection,
- Career orientation
- Team building and development of a business plan,
- Development of managerial skills, change and transition management or social and civic skills.
Emilia Bradea
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She’s the one to teach you how to analyse the real potential of a person in your team:
- She’s a psychologist with an economic vision on the company and its people.
- She joined Thomas’ team in 2007, first as a collaborator, then as a consultant.
- She coordinated the Toastmasters organisations in Romania, Moldova and Bulgaria during 2016-2017.
- She runs Assessment and Development Centers and holds advanced communication training courses.
Lucian Valea
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He’s the one to teach you how to consolidate your business by following the customer’s needs:
- He founded EXploreMed – the Medical Recovery, Physiotherapy and Sports Network.
- He is the President of the EXplore Academy.
- He founded the EXplore GOoDness clothing brand.
- He organises running competitions at national level via the Runners Alliance.
- He’s passionate and an expert in medical recovery and physiotherapy.
Sebastian Bala
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He’s the one who to teach you how to have clarity and correct thinking, as well as clarity in relation to your money, time and business:
- He’s the founder of SMARTAgenda, SebastianBALA.ro and the Master of Money.
- He has held over 50 training courses on productivity, money and entrepreneurship.
- He has over 50 hours of training and coaching.
- He is active in Romania and abroad (Paris, London, Frankfurt).
- He is an Entrepreneur Coach with 13 years of experience in over 5 different lines of business.
Iulian Niculae
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He’s the one to teach you how to become a real estate professional by switching to the exclusive property presentation system:
- He has been active non-stop since 1993 in the real estate field.
- He works as an exclusive representative of a single party in real estate transactions.
- He’s an APAIR (Professional Association of Realtors from Romania) trainer.
- He organized the first real estate training camp in Romania.
Ioana Popovici
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She’s the one to teach you how to make quality presentations:
- She is a member of Toastmasters Timisoara (Advanced Communicator Bronze).
- She has been working in sales for more than 6 years.
- She has participated in personal development trainings and seminars.
- She’s a public speaker and moderator.
Marius Galiceanu
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He’s the one to teach you how to better communicate with your customers:
- He’s the co-founder of www.caligali.ro .
- He’s the founding member of Toastmasters Brăila.
- He’s a Maxwell Communication Method certified trainer.
- Since 1997, he has been developing his personal business with together with CaliVita International.
- He coordinates sales teams in several cities in Romania.
- He held over 100 training courses.
Denis Farcău
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He’s the one to teach you how to keep your cool even in the most difficult situations:
- He’s a national champion in the Toastmasters Evaluation contest.
Flavia Zah
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She’s the one to teach you how to identify your key competencies and how to capitalise on them:
- She founded the Baia Mare International School.
- She’s the founder of the Global Education Center support services company.
- She’s an authorised trainer, translator and professor of Business English and French.
- She’s the author of several books published in France for TOEIC Business English tests.
- She has delivered over 30 training sessions and/or training courses, conferences and seminars.
- She has held coaching sessions with French professionals for the recruitment of large companies.
- She provides entrepreneurial education services, personalised support, assistance and follow-up when implementing business projects.
Adina Solduban
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Ea este cea care te va învăța cum să folosești cuvintele potrivite pentru a finaliza o vânzare:
- a ținut cursuri ECDL
- a ținut traininguri la diferite programe informatice
- este membru fondator Toastmasters Satu Mare
- a scris articole de lifestyle într-un ziar local
Alexandru Pocaznoi
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El este cea care te va învăța cum să vinzi eficient și profesionist:
- a generat o echipă de 30.000 de consumatori și distribuitori în circa 20 de țări
- a ținut peste 500 de traininguri
- are la activ peste 10.000 de ore de coaching
- a organizat peste 100 de evenimente
Mihaela Stoica
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Ea te poate învăța tiparele psihologice în vânzări și cum să le folosești:
- Manager Cabana Claris Crivaia si Valber SRL
- Psihoterapeut la Asociatia Psihoterapie Integrativa
- Membru la ELITE Business Women
- publicatii in jurnale internationale de specialitate in domeniul psihologiei
- peste 200 de ore de training cu adultii si peste 50 de tabere cu copiii
- peste 300 de ore de psihoterapie
- are la activ peste 50 ore de coaching
Igor Postovanu
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He’s the one to teach you how to effectively handle customer objections in the real estate field:
- He has 14 years of experience in real estate sales;
- He coordinates and manages the educational program of the Professional Association of Realtors of Romania;
- He specialised in real estate training courses;
- He was a trainer at the first Real Estate Bootcamp in Romania;
- International certification: CRS (Certified Residential Specialist), SRS (Seller Representative Specialist) and RENE (Real Estate Negotiation Expert).
Luciana Troacă
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She’s the one to teach you how to be an effective manager and sell with joy and results beyond expectations:
- She has held over 200 training courses;
- She has over 130 hours of psychological counseling;
- She’s a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist;
- She’s a certified NLP-practitioner;
- She has specialised knowledge in the sales, management, negotiation, communication and human resources management fields.
Dan Călbureanu
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He’s the one who can teach you how to grow in the field you’re passionate about and be a leader of your team:
- He successfully developed several sales teams;
- He has developed a customised sales structure for the national distribution of coffee;
- He facilitates the Elite School programs for the Oltenia region;
- He provides business strategy and management consultancy.
Alexander Constantinov
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He’s the one to teach you how to get the customer to complete the transaction:
- International Public Speaking Champion;
- Over 6,000 hours worked in sales;
- Founder of the Gentlemen’s Club in Chișinău;
- President of Top Toastmasters Club 2018-2019;
- Sellification certified trainer.
Sorina Ciotu
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She’s the one to teach you how to sell according to your customer’s needs:
- 10 years of experience in selling financial and banking products;
- Team leader of the sales team;
- Certified speaker with over 100 product presentations;
- Facilitator of the Elite School programs by Andy Szekely;
- ANC certified trainer;
- Coach training course underway, certified by Mohanu Raluca.
Elena Gyerkó
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She’s the one to teach you how to manage your energy and communicate effectively:
- He has organized over 100 events;
- He coordinates a team of over 7000 partners;
- He has held over 50 training courses to date.
Valentin Olariu
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He’s the one to teach you how to overcome customer objections and close the sale:
- He has held over 80 product presentations at various companies.
Iszabella Takacs
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She’s the one who can teach you how to manage your marketing and PR resources according to your proposed goals:
- 17 years of experience in marketing, communication and event organization;
- Over 300 events organized;
- Over 100 training courses held.
Andreea Berdacicu
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She’s the one who can help you discover and show your potential by doing what you love:
- She obtained a 7-month scholarship to study at the University L.U.M.S.A in Rome;
- She completed an internship at a permanent center (Casa Accoglienza per malati, at San Giovanni Hospital) for people with leukemia, who were recovering after bone marrow transplants;
- She completed the first 2 years of basic training in psychotherapy;
- She has provided over 100 presentations, trainings or workshops;
- She has over 1000 hours of individual coaching and group coaching to date.
Ilie Dercaci
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He’s the one to teach you how to sell with confidence, be influential and obtain concrete results:
- He has trained over 4,000 people;
- He has over 10 years of experience in entrepreneurship and training courses delivery;
- He is the Co-Founder of Professional Speaker (www.speaker.md).
Lucian Mihăilescu
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He’s the one to teach you how to build a viable business development strategy:
- He has been an entrepreneur for over 12 years in Romania/Great Britain and Spain;
- He has been a Business Development Consultant for over 12 years;
- He is a certified trainer since 2012, having delivered numerous training courses on:
- Entrepreneurial skills;
- Sales;
- Negotiation;
- Project management;
- Conflict management;
- Leadership;
- Innovation;
- Risk Management;
- Team management;
- Customer Relationship Management;
- Train the Trainer.
Mara Iepure
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She’s the one to teach you how to write your business plan when you want to access non-refundable financing.
- She has implemented projects financed via non-refundable funds worth over EUR 2,000,000;
- She is a founding member of the first Toastmasters club in Romania, a public speaking and leadership club in Timișoara;
- She has participated in dozens of public speaking and leadership events and conferences, both at home and abroad;
- She moderated events of various sizes, from 15-participant workshops to conferences with over 500 participants;
- She has facilitated team building events, sales training sessions, and experiential workshops.
Mihaela Berteanu
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She’s the one to teach you how to learn the sales process correctly:
- Since 2005 she has developed a labour protection equipment company in a strategic partnership with Renania Trade;
- Since 2007, she has been the Regional Manager at Champion Insurance Broker – trainer of insurance consultants and managers;
- In 2019, she started a professional training company;
- She has delivered over 100 training courses in the insurance field at the team level.
Daniel Pristavu
Amsterdam, Netherlands
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He’s the one who can teach you how to sell your products in a professional way:
All my life I’ve been passionate about growth, so I have always looked for ways to improve my skills:
- I learned and practiced public speaking for 3 years and immediately after, I went into sales;
- I have sold nutritional supplements, water sports equipment, skincare products, and, most recently, I was involved in real estate;
- My biggest accomplishment was when I started as a sales agent in a real estate rental company, and after only one year and a half I became a partner of the same company;
- At present, I’m a sales trainer. I help people develop their sales skills, as well as my business through workshops, training courses, and coaching sessions.
Kovács Csönge Réka
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She’s the one to teach you how to widen your knowledge on deductible fringe benefits and on how to use them to your advantage:
- She’s the CEO of bizz.club Cluj-Napoca, 2018;
- She’s a financial consultant at NN Asigurari since March 2004;
- She’s a specialist in fringe benefits at NN Asigurari, 2007;
- She is the co-author of the book “Timeless sales fairy tales”, developed by Adrian Cioroianu, and launched on 19 January 2018;
- He has over 30,000 hours of insurance consulting expertise, over 3,000 hours of networking, and over 10,000 hours of courses she has attended.
Virginia Brăescu
Onești, Bacău
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She’s the one to teach you how to effectively coordinate project teams:
- ANC certified as a trainer, mentor, lobby specialist, and project manager. Personal development consultant.
- She specializes in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP practitioner), mediation, public speaking, and sales.
- She’s the Founder of the Training, Consultancy and Mediation Center, Smile Vision Consulting.
- She is the author of the book “Apprendre le français aujourd’hui”.
- She is a French translator and interpreter (she has translated books and had them published by Trei publishing house).
- She has held over 30 training courses.
- She has to date over 15,000 teaching hours at the undergraduate level.
Alexandru Tudose
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He’s the one to teach you how to develop your persuasion skills to become an elite salesman:
- He is a shareholder in 2 construction companies, with more than 50 employees, a consultancy and training company, and an NGO that runs and supports national education projects;
- Author of the book – “POLE-POLE” (coming out in 2018);
- He has held over 200 hours of training courses (and over 400 hours of training facilitation);
- He has to date over 50 hours of coaching in the business field.
Diana Vigu
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She can teach you how to identify the key competencies of your team members, how-to guide them and motivate them to obtain results:
- She has over 15 years of experience in sales and team management;
- She has over 200 hours of presentations including training courses, group facilitation, as well as masterminds;
- She a facilitator of the Elite School programs created by Andy Szekely, in Brasov and Sibiu;
- She provides management consulting by customizing methods to match the customer’s profile.
Lidia Matei
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She’s the one to teach you how to effectively apply the situational leadership notions:
- She has broad experience in soft skills training, but also in “Train the Trainer and Mentor” training, as well as in adult education and public speaking;
- She is an Italian language teacher, with outstanding experience in translation and interpreting;
- She has taught soft skills courses as an Erasmus+ trainer;
- She translated the book “The Miracle of Incarnation”;
- She has held training courses in Italian and French on efficient communication in the workplace by using active listening techniques, feedback, public speaking and storytelling, as well as professional training of trainers in education since 1999;
- She has delivered over 50 hours of mentoring.
Angel Răducanu
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Angel Raducanu is a coach, trainer, consultant and entrepreneur, but, as he likes to say, he has worked to be at his best every day for the last 20 years.
He has 20 years of experience in sales, of which over 11 in Sales team management, consulting and sales strategy.
In 2011, he became an official Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur. Since then he has dedicated his career and professional life to his own and others’ development.
He has built teams in various fields and has produced tangible and concrete results for companies in both Romania and in Europe.
11 years ago, he quoted Zig Ziglar, who said that “You can get everything you want in life, if you help enough people get what they want”, and thus, he started on the path of personal development and of those he had met them through training, consulting and coaching.
He develops internal and open training courses in various fields such as:
sales, leadership, time management, public speaking, and team management.
It offers business coaching, executive coaching, team coaching, sales coaching, and life coaching services because he loves the results obtained as a result of the coaching sessions. He loves people who take their life into their own hands.
He knows that, in addition to the material side, a man striving to improve must every day develop his spiritual side. Thus, he took part in various charitable clubs and associations, through which he provides his material resources and time for the development of other people.
He is a graduate of the Silva Method and a Theta Healing Therapist certified by US institutions.
He is constantly looking to develop himself and those he encounters, seeking to improve and develop every day. He knows that one can learn something from any person met. The day you cease to learn you’ll fall behind!
Mădălina Smochină
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She can teach you how to transform your objectives into results.
- She founded 2 companies that offer products and services in the field of waste management. The companies have been founded starting with the idea of significantly contributing to Romania’s recycling potential using high tech infrastructure.
- Together with her team, she had a major contribution to society, was able to change mentalities in this industry, help define legislation and prove that even in Romania the impossible becomes possible.
- She held over 100 trainings for her team, dozens of trainings in partner companies in IT and telecom and national presentations. She has learned her best sales techniques from her trainings in primary schools and kindergartens. Together with her pupils, she has learned how to contribute to the protection of the planet and to understand that when we’re together and when we’re united, with small deeds we achieve amazing results.